Quick Stop Ability and Animator Motion


New member
Hello, Iw been setting up animations with focus on fast traversal and want to have a bunch of different stop animations while still not being tied down to root motion in order to be less reliant on the animation packs im using. It seems I can get the quick stop event to fire off but the movement on the z axis doesnt seem to happen. Im using a ps5 controller with the new input system. The animatior motion system seems to be great for what I want to create, but If I cant get it to work its just pointless. This is controller version 2.4.9.

Adding some screenshots of the rigging.
Does the ability start? You could debug this by outputting the AnimatorMotion value within the Ability class to see if it's returning a value.
Seems like I dont reach OnAnimatorMove in ability.
Added some logs.
This debug log never prints.
The second one does print every time.

Reading the code... This only works if rootmotion is enabled on the controller?
I was under the impression I could use animatior motions without rootmotion enabled on the Ultimate Character Locomotion script.
If this is the case, Im supposed to use root motion animations for everything except when I want to change the animation speed/effect/distance at runtime depending on enviroment cases? Or when the animation I use lacks rootmotion?

No, root motion doesn't have to be enabled. In the demo scene the Interact ability uses the Animator Motion when the character is moving through the door - can you compare to that ability?
Well, thats good news atleast! Since im using new input system and hdrp in my project the demo scene doesnt work, but il make a new project and check configuration there. Il get back with my resolution incase anyone else has similiar issues in the future.
Alright, so the main issue was that my animator was on a child object of the UCC locomotion scripts etc. Animator should say "Handled by scripts" if things are setup correctly. Tldr: Make sure your animator are on the right gameobject and not a child.