Problems setting up a Deathmatch scene with the UCC PUN integration

Hey everyone! I've been trying to get a basic multiplayer deathmatch set up using the following tools:
1. UCC
2. UCC PUN integration
3. Behavior Designer + Movement Pack
4. Deathmatch AI Kit
5. Deathmatch AI Kit's BD integration

My idea to get something working quickly was to take inspiration from the example scenes from the Deathmatch AI Kit i.e. Main Menu and Spark. As a result, I've made a main menu scene for myself, which has the MainManager in the PUN integration package, and I'm using that to move on to my actual deathmatch scene, where I'm using the DeathmatchManager via the Startup GameObject to spawn my players. However, when I spawn my local player, which is just a duplicate Aydan prefab set up for use with the PUN add-on, I face two problems:
1. The player spawns but doesn't equip any items.
2. The camera slots in the player into the CameraController script but doesn't move with it, probably because the player isn't initialised correctly.

What could be causing these issues? Is there something I'm missing?
Unfortunately this is a pretty complicated setup. I have not tried the deathmatch scene with the PUN add-on so there are likely to be a lot of problems. I'd like to add official support for it but right now I do not have a timeline.
I've been struggling with this for a couple weeks, if you figure it out please let me know! And I will do the same.. I was hoping it would be just a few changes in the code maybe to get it working as we wanted to mostly just use these two to get a steam demo up ?
This is possible I think....

I've got a (very) basic setup right now. (not using the 'Deathmatch Scene', just DeathmatchAI)

PUN Room+Scene
Master Player and Remote players drop in/drop out
1 AI Enemy to fight using Navmesh

Just need a system either of my own or to extend SpawnManagerBase to track spawned NPC's/Enemies and spawn them for 'new-joiners'.
Otherwise I guess I could make life easier by locking out the game after the point where enemies will begin to spawn and just send to all....

Thoughts? I think the capability is great though!