Problem with Weapon Switching


New member
The Equip Event auto set to 0 in play mode
Screenshot (173).pngScreenshot (174).png
Because of this problem, the Slot0ItemStateIndex does not switch to 5 which create a weird weapon switching animation
That's a very weird one, never seen that happen before - are you able to reproduce it in the demo at all? Also which version of UCC are you using?
That's very weird, I definitely can't reproduce this in the demo scene... Tagging @Justin here in case he's seen this before
I am not able to reproduce it in the demo scene either. Can you list the steps to reproduce from a fresh project?
I am not able to reproduce it in the demo scene either. Can you list the steps to reproduce from a fresh project?
I create a new scene just to test, using unity 2019
Screenshot (180).png

Then I went to UFPS and import like normal. After update the demo scene and project it look completely normal
Screenshot (182).png
Then I went to AssaultRifle Tab and change the Equip to 0 and 0.5

Screenshot (183).png
But it still set to 0 from the beginning
The First Person preset will change the equip duration. Take a look at this page for an overview of the state system:
