Own Animation Controller


New member
Hello everybody,
I watched all the tutorials but can't seem to find a tutorial on how to setup custom weapon animations. I tried adding animations to the demo controller but that doesn't seem to work for me. So I tried making my own controllers using the Parameters as suggested. Is there a tutorial somewhere were I can find information on adding custom animations to the democontroller (not replacing) or info about making a new controller from scratch that works with the Third Person Controller?
Sorry to ask but I'm kind of stuck now, haha. I'm starting to learn everything and thougth I could make a game starting with UCC didn't know it was so difficult to use for noobs. But I'm eagered to make a game even if it takes 10 years whaha.
What does not work when adding new animations to the demo controller? I would recommend to first focus on the demo scene and controller. Understand the different parts, and how they are controlled by the parameters. You can also switch on logging on the Animator Monitor component, so all parameter changes are logged when equipping / using an item. We recommend to use your own animator controller for your game, but for learning it is perfectly fine to add your own animations to the demo controller. This should work, so we have to figure out what is going wrong in your case.
Hi thnx for your answer. I quess I have to trie and make my own controller. So I'll go for that. The main problem I have is not understanding the transition conditions, what they do and which one to use on a transition. If I copy the animations from the demo controller with the same transation condition etc. The character just stays in Idle animation. It doesn't activate the movement.
Again...I'm a noob and still learning so I quess I have to go and learn to make my own controller ?.
Never mind. I give up haha. If I make my own controller the character doesn't move. It won't react to the Parameters. I quess this controller is just not for me. I'm just stuck with this controller. It all works fine with nolan and the demo looks smooth. I quess my expectations we're to high. I really thought it would be easier to use a controller straight out of the box, add custom character and make a game haha. Thnx for your time and answers. Im gonna search the web for other resources and come back in a couple of weeks (maybe there are more tutorials on the animator controller then).