Overflow action Question


New member
Hello Guys,

I have a question that has been bothering me for a long time, can you answer it for me? Why I set the overflow Drop item action , but the item still disappears without any drop effect. I did the same steps as the video but it didn't work.1.png
Could you detail what video you are refering to?
Also if this is an overflow action you probably want to untick RemoveOnDrop.

Also make sure your ItemCollection Overflow settings are set to call the ItemOverflowAction. (Send me a screenshot of your ITemCollection inspector).

If it still doesn't work make a small video showing your setup, I'll try to replicate it and see whether it is a bug or if you've set something incorrectly
Hey there, Thank you so much for reply me, I put my setting video on Youtube, and here is the linkage for my setup, didn't drop when my backpack was full

Is it ItemCollection Overflow settings inspector as shown in my screenshot?

It is not very clear from the video.

Your overflow actions seem to be setup correctly though. There might be a limitation that prevents it from working on start when first loading the items.
As for pickups it works slightly differently. The pickup will check if there is space in your Inventory if there isn't the pickup will fail. If that's the case you can choose to destroy the pickup or leave it there, in both cases you can play a success or fail pickup sound.
It is possible that you are failing the pickup so the item is never being added to the inventory (if it is not added it cannot overflow).
I hope that points you in the right direction
Hey there, when I testing it with sound, It will show fail pick up sound. Does it mean that the item is never being added to the inventory doesn't trigger the drop action ?What should I do?
There should be some option to not destory on pickup on interact. Then you can set to destroy the pickup only if it succeeds to be picked up. This way there is no need to drop it, you just leave it on the floor to be picked up later.
I fi remember correctly it is explained in the pickup feature scene. If not let me know and I'll see what I can do.
There should be some option to not destory on pickup on interact. Then you can set to destroy the pickup only if it succeeds to be picked up. This way there is no need to drop it, you just leave it on the floor to be picked up later.
I fi remember correctly it is explained in the pickup feature scene. If not let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Do you know where I can close option to do not destroy on pickup on interact? or I should write a function on pick fail?1.png
It is the first one "Deactivate On Interact". Remove that and then in "OnPickupSuccess" event you can call the "Deactivate" function.
I hope that helps