Objects on platforms


New member
Hello this may be a general Unity question but here goes nothing. I noticed rigidbody objects on moving platforms aren't effected by horizontal movement. Normally I would remedy this by having objects child themselves to a platform on contact. Is this the best practice for this sort of thing or is there something set up already?
Yep that's generally the go-to solution for a simple carried-by-a-platform type thing. Also this may be of use to you for future reference.
I was poking around in there before posting while inspecting how the player was moved. The only thing that blocked me from replicating it is that kinematic objects prevent force outside of its scripts. I had a prototype in the past that gave kinematic objects their own interactable physics similarly and I'll shoot for that again. Thanks for the reply Andrew, I appreciate it while I try to keep my project as professional as the controller.