NullReferenceException in Tactical Tasks - Flank


New member
maybe someone can help me - I get all the time this null reference exception here for the flank.

And maybe a side question how could I do for the flank a melee attack animation and attack?
What is line 35 for you?

And maybe a side question how could I do for the flank a melee attack animation and attack?
When you implement the IAttackAgent interface you define what it means to attack. Within the Attack method you could define your attack as being a melee attack.

What is line 35 for you?

When you implement the IAttackAgent interface you define what it means to attack. Within the Attack method you could define your attack as being a melee attack.

line 35 is this here in Flank.cs:


Is the TacticalAgent or the AttackAgent null? Do you get any errors before that? Does your agent have a component that implements IAttackAgent?