No Input after upgrade to V3.0


Active member
After upgrading my project to V3.0, the input is broken in my project. I am using the same input action asset as I had with V2.0.

I have debugged, but haven't been able to identify what I am missing in the config. This is a brief summary of what I could find debugging:
- Method GetPositionInput in CharacterHandler, calls IPLayerInput.GetAxisRaw, which is UnityInputSystem.GetAxisInternal .
- This retrieves the action GamePlay/Horizontal or GamePlay/Vertical, from the Input Action Asset.
- The action.ReadValue<Float>() in UnityInputSystem.GetAxisInternal always returns 0.

Here is a short video with the input setup.

I use the same input action asset for input outside of UCC. But I use the generated C# script, like the below example. Input is working Ok with this method. I don't really understand how UCC references the Action from the input action asset directly. But this appears to be broken in my project.

            if (inputControls == null)
                inputControls = new DeadFearCharacterInput();
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Did you run the migration tool on your v2 character? You have the player input component on your main character and this has been changed to a child GameObject. In addition, make sure you've updated the input integration as there were some changes.
I uninstalled all of UCC/UIS and installed the latest packages and downloads for V3.0 from the Opsive website.
I then followed the upgrade procedure and ran the migration tool on my character, camera, and the gameObject with the UCC managers in my main scene.

A child object was created by the migration tool with the UnityInputSystem and PlayerInput components, but the tool must have left the original input component on the parent. I deleted the Input component off the parent object and input is now working :) Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)

The upgraded character still has some glitches. eg: Root motion was turned off, easy fix, and jumping while walking/running stops forward movement and just jumps vertically. Now that I have V3.0 kinda working, I think rebuilding my character might be the safest way to complete the migration.
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