Newest Updates & ReflectionTypeLoadException


New member
Hello, I was wondering if I could get some help with this, I had this come up twice already. The first time I tried everythingI could think of to fix it and had no luck, so I deleted all opsive products and reinstalled and everything was back to working for awhile. I worked yesterday for about idk 15 hours and when I closed the PC last night I had no errors no issues everything was fine. and I oped project today to this error again. now this doesn't effect the Project itself, as everything runs perfectly fine, but I can no longer use parts of the Componets in the editor which makes it well kinda impossible to keep working.

both the first time this problem happened and the second, the errors came up after adding 2 states for abilities. one state released the IK when reloading and the other state released the IK when Unequipping.. these are stupid simple things to do, and they both work as they should, so I don't believe these things to be the cause of the Error, I did both of these things before and didn't have an issue on earlier builds of TPC/UIS/Integration, both times I had this error was with unity project setting on Androidbuild settings, and both times, all 3 latest updates of TPC / UIS / the integration, on another note there are a couple compile errors when switching TPC/UIS/Intergration Latest versions to android build target. though I don't believe these are relevant to this problem and they don't always show up right away after switching over but its the same compile errors each time..

is there anything I can do to fix/reset the editor so I can get back to work that doesn't require me fully reinstalling all 3 packages yet again?
thanks alot guys

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sorry wanted to clarify, the couple of compile errors when switching over a project to android on latest builds of TPC UIS and integration are Opsive code compile errors, they are on the integration.cs file, not my personal code compile errors..

Edit: I'm sorry I don't remember what the compile errors were, I made a note on my SVN to report the issues to you guys, I fixed them and moved on and later deleted that branch forgetting to get the information. I don't even remember what they were now, just that they do exist and they kept resurfacing after switching project to AndroidBuild target. I don't believe they have anything to do with this compile error though I just wanted to mention them,.
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this maybe helpful also, so I thought I'd post it as well.. none of the Opsive editors show anything..
Sorry to post again, But I fixed this problem. For anyone else that may run into it and just want a fast solution, simply switch build targets
and the problem resolves on its own, as to why this happens to begin with, I was able to make it happen again, and the cause seems to be
aggressively adding / removing new state presets and very quickly changing the settings on abilities. idk why this seems to be the cause, but I work very fast and while nothing was broken or incorrectly set up, the editor doesn't seem to like me adding multiple new presets and changing alot of settings very quickly, this problem won't even show itself until next time you load the project not in real time.

so add new states, abilities, and presets very carefully, one at a time and save between each new change. (which most people probably do anyway) I think will prevent this from happening.. ( time will tell I guess).
