New tutorials for UCC3

Which topics would you like to be covered in priority ?

  • Abilities

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Movement and view types

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Item creation and modules

    Votes: 11 44.0%
  • Character components

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Recreation of famous mechanics

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Multiplayer

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Add-ons (Agility, Swimming, Climbing, PUN, Save System, Fast Skill's USC and UMP)

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Behavior Designer

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Ultimate Inventory System

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Integrations

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Hello everyone, this thread will be dedicated to a new series of tutorials for Opsive assets, especially Ultimate Character Controller 3 ! Many users have asked for more tutorials, so for starters here is a video showing how to set up a basic grenade by yours truly :

I hope this will be helpful to newcomers and even experienced devs who might need a refresher. If you have any thought or criticism, please don't hesitate to share them ! Some throwing related issues need Justin's attention before I can make another tutorial on this topic, so in the meantime I plan to start another series on the UCC-BD integration, and how to set up an enemy agent that can guard an area, patrol, chase the player and attack him. One idea is to show how to create a big stalker enemy, like Mr X or Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil ! However, feel free also to suggest any topic, you'll also find a poll asking for which topics you'd like to see covered in priority.

Lastly, if you like what I'm doing here and want to help me keep making tutorials as well as bug reports, please consider donating to my Ko-fi page, even the smallest donation will be appreciated !

Thanks for your attention, Cheo ?
TY for this!! UCC is a beast.

1) Could you do a tutorial on implementing a weapon from scratch? I've followed both the Sword setup and the Assault Rifle setup but there's just so much to UCC - and so much of it requires existing in-depth knowledge I don't even where to start searching for - that I'm having trouble understanding how to even start from the very beginning.

IE: here's a free handgun.. - could you take this and run it from the beginning to making it usable in UCC? With the UCC animations as well if possible (still trying to figure out make my own ACs as well).

2) Another idea and this is probably grander in scope (Gigaya-lite style).. maybe it's just me and I'm a dumbass (quite possibly).. we have all these disparate pieces available to us in UCC but there's no real direction that I'm aware of in how to actually use these in a game. For example, I've used the character manager to create my character and he runs around fantastically on a simple terrain. But now what? I've tried breaking down the demo scene but it doesn't really connect for me because it's referencing all of these pieces that have already been created, which is nice but doesn't really actually teach me anything.


Not saying I don't appreciate all of the UCC tutorials already created, but they've all been built from the POV of someone who knows the software inside and out. I'm a creator/writer far more than a technical type and one of the first rules of most forms of writing is to never assume your audience can read your mind. Unfortunately, most of the UCC3 tutorials rely on knowing how UCC works, at least from v2.

Much appreciated regardless! I'm going to do the grenade tutorial right now, every little bit of info i can glean helps!
Ooooo regarding #1.. you may have my first request covered already :D Doing the grenade now, being able to select my own grenade and then applying UCC to it is making so much more sense to me. TY!
Hello @drmeatball, thank you very much for your interest !

I'm glad to hear this first tutorial was helpful for general item setup purposes as well. I would be reluctant to make a shootable or melee weapon setup tutorial when the ones made by Justin are already sufficient and show what you need to create a basic item. I could however make tutorials expanding upon that and show more possibilities for these kinds of weapons, like adding a Melee action or a secondary grenade launcher to an assault rifle, or going through the list of modules. Magic items will be covered for sure soon.

To answer your second request - it's a big one ! And it also goes beyond UCC's scope, you're basically asking how to make a game here, which you could ask regardless of the initial controller. Nonetheless, it would be possible to show how to wrap many basics of game logic around UCC and possibly BD and UIS, and it also reminds me of the Adventure Kit project that is still suspended at the moment, and just like Gigaya, I think it's a shame we couldn't get our hands on it.

However, I would not be inclined to start such a project for free, especially if we're going in the direction of making an actual small game. Maybe we could set up some sort of goal on my Ko-fi page if many of you are interested.

I'll make a new quick tutorial this afternoon on how to shoot and destroy grenades. See you soon !
Here's part 2 of the Throwables tutorial series ! In it you'll learn how to destroy a grenade with a bullet and use Surface Effects for throwables.

This was inspired by Max Payne 3 in which you could shoot grenades with a bullet while they were still in the air, like at the beginning of this video :

The results from the tutorial aren't as gritty of course, but the mechanic is here nonetheless ! Hope you'll like it and find it useful. As always, any feedback is much appreciated :)
Here is my first tutorial about Behavior Designer, which covers Behavior Tree References, or as I like to call them Sub Trees !

This is an absolutely necessary feature if you're working on a large tree, your sanity depends on it !! In this video you'll learn how to split you ai trees and give variable data from your main tree to your sub ones.
And here is a new tutorial for setting up a flashlight ! I may make other tutorials on Usables if they are requested.

As always, feel free to share your thoughts on my tutorials, and please consider giving a tip on my Ko-Fi page, as I am making these for free ! Thanks again for your attention and I hope this will be helpful.