My Gun only detect Capsule Collider

I have a character setup with different collider in it (rightLeg, leftLeg, head, etc) but when i want to shoot the character on the spesific collider for example rightLeg, the gun looks like doesnt detected it, the gun only detect my CapsuleCollider (the collider that added when we setup the opsive character). are there a setup that i need to do so my gun can detect the otehr collider?
On the Hitscan Shooter module you can specify which layers should be impacted. The legs are on the SubCharacter layer whereas the CapsuleCollider is on the Character layer.
but when if i specify the CapsuleCollider layer to be different layer (not on the impacted layer), the player wont take the damage from the attacker how can i handle it?
You could subscribe to the OnObjectImpact event and call the health component independently from that event.