Mouse aiming choppiness with movement and actions


Active member

I'm using Rewired input, and have tested a lot of different adjustments to the 'Rewired Input' component to try to smooth out mouse aiming, with no luck.

So the problem seems to be that mouse aiming is reasonably smooth when performing no movement or other actions.

When firing or using at least one other key - strafe, forward/back, fire - the mouse aiming is horribly choppy and stutters heavily.

Is there particular settings to stop this?
Moving this to the Integrations subforum. I'm not familiar with Rewired, but have you tested this in a build rather than just in-editor?
Still playing around with what might be causing these issues.

I'm wondering whether one of the following would cause issue with the mouse aiming stuttering/skipping etc.:

- A very large scene?
- An area of the scene with a lot of objects?

eg. These scene I was testing in has a fairly gameObject heavy SpaceStation , and then another similarly heavy SpaceStation perhaps more than 1000 or 2000 units away.

What made me think this was that the aiming was particularly worse in one direction, which was where the other spaceStation was....

Removing the other station and bringing the Player occupied one to near 0,0,0 seems to have improved a fair bit.

So if this IS what is causing it, can anyone suggest how I can solve for having two large heavily involved SpaceStations in one scene?

(I'm not versed at all in how to modify how things are rendered/appear or hog processing/graphics at large scene sizes, so if this requires a solution perhaps just a point in the right direction of what 'method' of achieving this might be. I don't need a far away station to be rendered high quality , but still must be visible in some respect so it doesn't just 'pop-in' to view)