Make the Ability class inherit from the BoundStateObject class


TPC 3.0.15

Hello, it seems feasible for Ability to inherit from BoundStateObject, and in my tests, it only requires a few code modifications to make it work successfully (although these code changes may potentially introduce some issues I haven't discovered yet, and it might have poor performance).

To successfully inherit Ability from BoundStateObject and display the Binding field in my test, there are three steps:

1. Modify the base class of Ability to be BoundStateObject.
public abstract class Ability : BoundStateObject
2. Modify the base class of AbilityControlType to be BoundStateObjectControlType.
public class AbilityControlType : BoundStateObjectControlType
3. In the UltimateCharacterLocomotionInspector's ShowAbility method, pass the SerializedProperty of Ability to the FieldInspectorView.AddFields method.
/// <summary>
/// Shows the selected ability.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="abilities">Should the abilities be shown? If false the item abilities will be shown.</param>
/// <param name="index">The index of the ability.</param>
/// <returns>True if the ability was shown.</returns>
private bool ShowAbility(bool abilities, int index)
    var abilityContainer = (abilities ? m_SelectedAbilityContainer : m_SelectedItemAbilityContainer);
    var ability = (abilities ? m_CharacterLocomotion.Abilities[index] : m_CharacterLocomotion.ItemAbilities[index]);
    if (ability == null) {
        return false;

    SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(m_CharacterLocomotion);
    var abilitiesSerializedProperty = serializedObject?.FindProperty(abilities ? "m_Abilities" : "m_ItemAbilities");
    var serializedProperty = abilitiesSerializedProperty?.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);

    var label = new Label(InspectorUtility.DisplayTypeName(ability.GetType(), true)); = UnityEngine.FontStyle.Bold;
    FieldInspectorView.AddFields(m_CharacterLocomotion, ability, Shared.Utility.MemberVisibility.Public, abilityContainer, (obj) =>
        // The ability reference may have been updated.
        if (abilities) {
            m_CharacterLocomotion.Abilities[index] = obj as Ability;
        } else {
            m_CharacterLocomotion.ItemAbilities[index] = obj as ItemAbility;
        Shared.Editor.Utility.EditorUtility.RecordUndoDirtyObject(target, "Change Value");
    }, serializedProperty, null, true, null, false, null, this);
    return true;
After making these changes, you should be able to display Binding correctly, and you can modify and save it as well.
(These binding modules are ones I wrote)

Perhaps inheriting Ability from BoundStateObject is straightforward? I hope this modification method can help other developers, and I also hope that the official support for having Ability inherit from BoundStateObject will come sooner.
I'd like to do this in version 3.1. With version 3.0.x I am not adding any new features.