Magic Projectile Randomly Not Impacting Colliders

I've tried numerous things to fix this and where I'm at now, I can get 100/100 impacts on a collider if the collider is at a distance and not at an angle. But as you can see in the video, I am able to have the Magic Projectile go through the floor 3 times in a row at an angle and closer to the character. The origin point of the projectile is a decent distance away from the point where it should collide (and I've had it not impact a few meters in front of the point of origin). I thought it might be a problem with the physics and the projectile moving too fast so it misses the collider so I tried every kind of Collision Detection on the Rigidbody component and settled with Continuous Speculative because that seemed to ensure the most impacts (but it's hard to tell if that really is the case). I tried removing colliders and adding a second collider but the issue remains. I'm at a loss of what to try next and this is effectively breaking my project at this point. Can anyone provide any insight to a fix for this?

The Cloned Magic Projectile disabled the sphere collider when it is instantiated. As I said, I removed the collider and I added another collider and the issue still remained.


Prefab Magic Projectile Settings:

Clone Magic Projectile Settings:

Are you able to reproduce the problem within the demo scene?
I was able to reproduce the issue in the demo scene but by doing that process I was able to identify the issue and it has nothing to do with Opsive scripts. Thanks for the suggestion and I'll try to reproduce any issues I have in the future in the Demo scene as a part of my troubleshooting process.