ItemSubstateIndex not updating


New member
I have a problem in which when I Use my bow weapon (Models are custom, but UCC settings are exactly like demo) the slot1substateindex never updates, causing the entire weapon to break.

For instance, when pulling the bow back the state of the weapon gets trapped in Attack Pull Back animation state.

My Bow will not fire the projectile, or end the animation without me causing the animation to cancel by using an ability like Aim.

Any advice on avenues I can search for why the substate is not updating would be greatly apreciated.

Interestingly, Audio clips also do not seem to be playing.
This generally occurs when the use event isn't sent. The animator parameters get updated with UpdateItemAbilityAnimatorParameters after UseItem is called within Use.cs
My character is pulling back the bow as if for attack, but even that isn't playing Audio.

I will investigate to make sure the Use.cs isn't getting stopped before sending the parameters.
The issue was in regards to the Look Sensitivity on the ThirdPersonShootableWeaponProperties script.
Setting the inspector value to 0 allowed me to properly use the bow, and is giving the desired effect.

I was able to locate the issue after walking through the Use script, so thank you for pointing me in the right direction Justin!