Item Equipped Animation not working


I was using "Slot0ItemID 22" (which is for the sword) for my character to equip from idle. It is fine (Left Animation Debugs), but now when I change my animation(downloaded from Mixamo) into the Blend Tree, then it's not fine (Right Animation Debugs), animtion playes and item picked(hide form view) but not appre in hands , and it sucks in the animator's "Equip from Idle" state.
When I replace the animation with the old one (which is yours), then it works fine.
Except for animation duration, each setting I did as yours, even for test I reduce my animaiton duration as yours but still can't fix it.
The "Wait on Equipe" event on Animation is also true.

I do not understand where the mistake is.

1667403750959.png 1667404070629.png
I tried different animations, some downloaded and some from UCC, but only SwordEquipedFromIdle works, and I want to fix that. Please guide me. Thanks,
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When exchanging the animations you have to add the corresponding animation events to your animations. So you need to check, which events are triggered by the original animation clips.