Is there a way to create a state tree?


New member
Hello everyone,

Is there a way to make some kinda state trees? Like in the animator? I have a few different scopes for the gun. When the aim statement activated, I want it to decide which preset will play, Is it iron sights preset or holographic sight preset? Making some states with custom names like HoloAim didn't make sense to me, it looks like it will become spaghetti at the end :D. Is there a way to do that more organized?
The state manager is pretty basic in that regard. For something like this you'll need to create your own manager which determines which state to activate. You'll end up calling StateManager.SetState to activate or deactivate a particular state.
Creating my own manager will not change anything if I can't change the preset of the specific state. I mean, I already have a manager to decide which state should play in some actions but this is not what I am asking. You mean, make "HoloAim", "BlaAim", "Scope3Aim", and etc. states and decide which one will play on the custom state manager right? I just didn't like this way, I am asking is there a way to make a state which can have more than one preset, something like blend tree of animator.
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