
New member
I haven't imported the inventory system yet into my Unity project. Do I just go to account and download the package to get the latest release? If I did already have it in my project, how would I update it? Same way, just download the package and import? Thanks.
Yes, simply download the package from the website if you bought it here or download it from Unity asset store if you bought it there. It should be a single .unitypackage file (if it's not try another browser, chrome should work).

Then import it in your project and it should work. Unity 2019.3 or higher is required, Unity 2019.4 LTS is recommended.

To upgrade simply repeat the process. Sometimes we rename files when we do updates. When that's the case you'll need to remove the Ultimate Inventory System folder from your project before importing the package again.

Of course, never put any of your own assets in the Opsive folder, and always use source control and make a backup each time before an update, we never know when things can blow up, better safe than sorry.