How can I set the axis to the center of my character model


New member
How can I set the character move axis to the center of my character model,when my character turn back?

In this video ,since 00:06,I only press W and D key,but the character doesn't move in straight line.

I alreay thought it was the orginal animation problem,late I create an empty animator controller,and I found it's not the animation problem.
You can adjust the rotation speed on the ultimate character locomotion component.
The rotation speed doesn't affect animations. It only changes the speed at which the character rotates.
The rotation speed doesn't affect animations. It only changes the speed at which the character rotates.
I found what cause the problem,when the character turn it still has a forward velocity.

If I change the rotation speed to 0.3 the problem will still exist.

If I change the speed to 1,the problem which character doesn't move in straight line solved ,but another problem is the character's movement seems weird,it doesn't has a rotate animation.

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