Holster Problem


New member
Hello Justin.. I have a problem. I have a character that I setup weapons with each holster. when the game starts, the character displays his weapon in a holster. but when the character dies and respawns, the weapon is not visible in the holster. after I checked, the weapon didn't appear in the holster. how can i keep displaying the weapon in the holster when the character dies and respawns ? Thank you..
When the character respawns do they have the item type within the default load out? If you can tell me how to reproduce the issue within the demo scene I can take a closer look.
Screenshot 2023-06-02 135224.pngScreenshot 2023-06-02 135245.png
here is the condition when the player starts the game. all guns shown in holster.

Screenshot 2023-06-02 135321.pngScreenshot 2023-06-02 135316.png
when the player dies and respawns the weapon in the holster is disabled. how to make the weapon always appear after respawn?
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Are you using the latest version? What does your loadout look like? I just tried to reproduce this issue in the demo scene but wasn't able to. If you can reproduce it there it'll allow me to take a closer look at it.
the case has solved. I just unchecked Remove all on death in the inventory player and weapon still appear after respawn. thank you for reply my message before. I am using ucc version 2.4.6 .