Grenade ITEM setup confilct?


Following the tutorials.

I have gotten to the grenade item setup.

After i build the grenade object and insert it. And press play, my grenade is greyed out and also my assult riffle is visible and in position.
I have just followed the tutorials, but i see when you get to the greanade he starts with posing in grenade
I figured out that the E key switches weapon.
When I do that my main assault rifle get put away and he takes a grenade out. But when I fire it, it just falls down to the ground and actually through it??
Check your grenade's Grenade component and try modifying the values for Gravity Magnitude, Speed, Damping. You'll also need to modify the "Impact Layers" layer mask to make sure the grenade collides with the layer of your floor, walls, etc. (Also check your project's collision matrix to make sure that your grenade's layer and floor layer have collisions enabled.)
I checked all that thank you. All seem fine there.
As soon as i switch weapon to the grenade, it falls instantly down and throug floor. Its only the first one that drops i cann see an actual greaned model. The remaining two is just empty throws? I think i specified 3 grenades some where??
As soon as i switch weapon to the grenade, it falls instantly down and throug floor
That sounds like you've got a very weird item setup. Have you added a rigidbody to the visible grenade object or something? Take a look at the demo scene's grenade item setup and try to copy it first. Remember that there are 3 separate objects: the grenade Item (e.g. RightFragGrenade, under Nolan/Items), which has GrenadeItem; the visible grenade item object (just the visible model of the object in the character's rig or First Person Objects depending on if it's third/first person); and the thrown prefab which actually gets instantiated and thrown when you use the item (this is defined in GrenadeItem -> "Thrown Object", in the demo scene it's FragGrenade).