Footstep sound effects



Are footstep sound effects entirely dependent on a character having an animator? If so, any hack around suggestion for those that are making a first person game without a model/animator?

Also, not sure if this is something you're aware of, but any layers I create and try to add to the Interact ability won't show up in the dropdown until after a Unity restart. Latest Unity 2019 LTS. Not a huge deal, but wasn't sure if this was a known effect due to how things are coded, or a bug so I figured I would mention it.

Last, a suggestion (I'm still new, so if this is a thing somehow and I'm missing it, I apologize):
Could we get an option to debug draw our interact casts so we can see the positioning with the offset in the editor? It's simple enough to override Interact as a new ability, but unless there's a reason you feel it shouldn't exist, it would be nice to have as a base feature
You can use the "Fixed Interval" mode on your CharacterFootEffects component to play the footstep sound effects at a fixed time interval, instead of relying on the actual position of the feet. More info on that component here -

Haven't seen that issue with the layers before - I'm using a 2020 version so maybe it's a Unity issue?

Thanks for the suggestion, will pass it on :)