Drive Ability not working in demo RCC


The drive ability will not function in the demo scene. Ive tried deleting and reimporting the demo scene and the drive ability still wont work. The third person controller and rcc both work fine but the drive ability does not seem to be working. Im using unity 2019
When i press the f button by the car to enter. Nothing triggers now. It was at first entering the car and vice versa.
Here's what I tried:

1. Created a new 2019.4.0 project
2. Imported the Third Person Controller 2.2.8 and updated the project inputs/layers
3. Imported the Realistic Car Controller
4. Imported the RCC Integration package
5. Hit play. The character was able to get into the car.
How will this work for my current project? Are you telling me to import files to another project, or to start completely over?
I started a new project following the above steps and the player is still not able to enter the vehicle in demo scene in a brand new project with nothing being changed except the third person controller setup input. Unity 2019.4.18f
You shouldn't need to start completely over. I would first get the demo integration scene working, and then compare your setup to that of the demo scene. Pay particular attention to the Drive ability. You could even try bringing in the character or vehicle from the demo scene just to narrow down the problem.

I started a new project following the above steps and the player is still not able to enter the vehicle in demo scene in a brand new project with nothing being changed except the third person controller setup input. Unity 2019.4.18f
The steps that I performed above was really all that I did in a fresh project. I recommend trying it one more time making sure you perform those same steps. If you have scripting experience you can debug this by placing a breakpoint within Drive.CanStartAbility to determine why the ability isn't starting.
Ok, thanks I will try. This was working at first, and I was using it as a reference while trying to get my character to work. At first the car would begin shaking and spinning when my player entererd the vehicle, but now i cant even get him or the demo nolan to enter the vehicle.
Hey, Ive been working with this non-stop. I have managed to get this working through playmaker, however the player seems to have problems with the camera switching back to the TPS from from the Realistic Car Camera. This works fine if i swap the standard assets vehicle, but when I add the RCC, the camera appears to have look source issues. From my understanding, this part is automatic with the Ultimate Third Person Controller when switching the camera view? In other words, when the player is outside the car, the camera does not auto attach to the player, thus and it just sits there statically looking at something else, but when the player gets in the vehicle, the rcc controller takes over fine. I hope Im explaining this right. Is there anything you can suggest I try?
I'm not following what is happening - are you able to reproduce it in the demo scene? Within that scene I can switch between the cameras.
I made a script with playmaker for the player to drive the Car in the free Standard Assets download on the Asset store. With that script I was able to automatically switch from the Utp camera control to the camera controller on the Standard Assets car, and back to the utp camera controller when i exit the vehicle, successfully. When I swap the Standard Assets car with one from the Realistic Car Controller, the utp camera never takes over, and there is no camera following the player outside the vehicle. This is not within the demo scene, as I have not been able to get the player to enter the vehicle within the integration. Fast forward to now, I got the utp controller to auto switch again by disabling the RCC controller from playmaker when the scene begins, but now the Rcc controller will not auto take over once I enter the vehicle.
Unfortunately since you have created a custom script it's hard for me to debug. I would start with getting the demo scene to work since if that's not working then there could be problems later down the line.
Ive worked endlessly on the demo, it will not work even in a new project with only third person controller, rcc and the integration. I even upgraded to the latest lts version of unity
Let's focus on getting that fixed first. I tried in a new project and got it to work with the steps above. Are you getting any errors?
Nothing in the console appears. The character is able to walk around fine, but nothing happens when I press the f key while standing by the car door.
Is there any other vehicle physics packages that you think work better with your program like edys physics or nwh physics for example?
Updare: I purchased Edy's vehicle physics, installed it with the integration into my existing project and the demo scene works, hooray! However, if i copy the demo scene to another location to work on while i get the following errors when i run the scene and Im unable to move at all.
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Game.KinematicObjectManager.SetCharacterMovementInputInternal (System.Int32 characterIndex, System.Single horizontalMovement, System.Single forwardMovement) (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Game/KinematicObjectManager.cs:630)
Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Game.KinematicObjectManager.SetCharacterMovementInput (System.Int32 characterIndex, System.Single horizontalMovement, System.Single forwardMovement) (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Game/KinematicObjectManager.cs:619)
Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.UltimateCharacterLocomotionHandler.Update () (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Character/UltimateCharacterLocomotionHandler.cs:71)

But the demo scene still works from it's original location in the project.
I am having a hard time understanding step #4 of the "drive ability" instructions in the UTPS documentation. It says to add a "move towards location to the vehicle, Im not understanding how do you add it. The demo scene shows a location on the vehicle that shows up like an item from the items list, but it is not in any of the item lists when I look for it. My character is able to drive the vehicle in the demo scene, but I can't get my own vehicle to work.
That step refers to adding the Move Towards component a child GameObject of your vehicle. This page gives more detail:

It's good to hear that the demo scene works. Here's what I would try:

- Bring the demo scene vehicle into your own scene. If the character can get in then it's an issue with your vehicle.
- Bring the demo scene character into your own scene. If the character can get in your vehicle then it's an issue with the character.