Do not have "Item Pickup Visual Listener" script "Prefab" attribute error

So I'm in the midst of integrating the UIS with the Third Person Controller system and I keep getting an error "Item does not have prefab attribute". I get this error when the game loads up in play mode. I've gotten the error with run time pick ups as well as just having the items in any one of the item collections for the inventory.

The items in question do have a prefab referenced in the "Prefab" attribute of the item definitions but for some reason at runtime that field doesn't stay populated. I've been making some "Item Pickups" prefabs using the inventory setup manager and when my player walks through the pickup object it puts it into the inventory like it should but I keep getting the same "Prefab attribute" error. The pickup prefab itself changes to the proper visual prefab of my weapon when I hit play mode, the prefab on the "Item object view script".

I took a look at the documents and some forum posts and apparently the "Item Pickup Visual Listener" script/component tells the inventory system what prefab to set the item as during run time? So I noticed that the script is missing from my object and then I noticed it wasn't even in my project or the asset package at all. I looked through all of the scripts in the import window for the UIS package and it's not there

So am I missing something else and doing something wrong or do I have to find this script somewhere?

Also as a side question I see a lot of people talking about the UCC and UIS integration demo scene, where do I find this integration scene? My UIS folder just has the regular demo scene for the inventory system and not the Character Controller integration. It seems like I'm really missing a few things.
The "Item Pickup Visual Listener" has been replaced by a component called "Item Object View" which explains why you cannot find it anywhere.

As for the Integration demo, I assume you downloaded the integration package right? Otherwise the character wouldn't be able to pickup and equip items at all. Just in case you can find a link to the download page in the documentation of the integration:

I also added the demo path in the documentation so that other users can find it with more ease:

Make sure to read that documentation page in detail and play around with the integration demo (you'll see how to correctly set up the itempickups there)