Display the game over screen after the character dies How can I respawn when the enter key is pressed?


Display the game over screen after the character dies
How can I respawn when the enter key is pressed?
Here is how i would do it: First of all, disable in the CharacterRespawner script "Schedule Respawn On Death".

Then setup a listener to capture the "OnDeath" event of the character in a custom script.

When the event is triggered, display the "Game Over" and start listening for keys pressed. When the user press the key you want, schedule the respawn manually.
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I didn't write any scripts to wait for interaction and then respawn character:
1. Create button under canvas and disable it.
2. Set button event OnClick() > Character > CharacterRespawn.Respawn54cdf45f2dfaeca597ea250be0bed27.png
3. Set CharacterHealth event > OnDeathEvent()> Gameover(Button) > GameObject.SetActive > True
4. Set CharacterRespawner event > OnRespawnEvent()> Gameover(Button) > GameObject.SetActive > False

This is my test. Please give me more suggestions.
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