Disable bob/swaying


I want to disable the swaying when I'm moving or idle rotating, currently the camera moves a lot which is quite annoying. I have been reading through another topics with the same question but couldn't figure it out. I also took a look at this https://opsive.com/support/document.../view-types/included-view-types/first-person/ and changed the shake and bob to 0, same for the item in first person perspective. But no success.

When I disable the yaw in character ik (the camera stop moving while rotating but then the animation is gone, as it depends on it)
The docs page you linked is for the camera's viewtypes - did you try changing the shake speed/amplitude settings on the relevant viewtype that you're using? (E.g. First Person Combat)
The docs page you linked is for the camera's viewtypes - did you try changing the shake speed/amplitude settings on the relevant viewtype that you're using? (E.g. First Person Combat)


I think it has something to do with the animation as when I disable them it stop moving. But of course I need the animations: What I want is just the camera to be steady.
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There should be no bobbing at all with that setup. I just tested it and there wasn't any bobbing. If you can tell me how to reproduce it from a fresh project I can take a closer look b