Debug only option when clicking items in inventory after new database


New member
I duplicated the demo database as shown in video.

I got an error when running about Melee Body not being in the current database. I found "Body" prefab in the Demo folder and it was referencing Body of the demointegration instead of my new database.

I fixed the reference, and then right clicked on the Demo/Prefabs folder and converted it to use my new database in case other things were not fixed.

Hitting Play, my demo scene runs without errors
Comparing my untouched UCCTest project that is using the demo database, with my own project where I selected a new database, the first thing that I see is that Main Inventory Grid with component ItemViewSlotsContainerCategoryItemActionSetBinding has it's CategoryItemActionSet as "Category Item Action Set for Hotbar" instead of "IntegrationDemoCategoryActions".

I did not change this, maybe the automated script to change the Database did that?
ShootableWeapon component -> Firing -> ConsumableItemDefinition is also pointing to the old Assault Rifle Bullet and not the new one
you may want to add this to the conversion script
Duplicating the Item Database cannot convert all character items because it does not have the context to do so.
This is the reason we advise people to start creating their own database and make items using the Item Creator.

If you wish you can duplicate the Item Prefabs from the demo, right-click the duplicates and press "Ultimate Inventory System" -> "Replace Database Objects". Then you can manually set the duplicated/converted prefabs to the UIS Items within the Editor under the Prefab(s) ItemDefinition Attribute.

you'll also have some issues if you try using the Demo Character with another Database. Make sure to Update the scene to use your database and then check the documentation to learn how to fix the unregistered Item Category error.

Also quick reminder, any changes made to the demo scene or any of the prefabs in the Opsive folder will be overwritten when you update the package, so make sure that you are only using your own assets and not the demo ones in your project.
Yep, so far everything is good and yeah a few references are still on the Prefabs in the Demo folder but that is known and we need to replace those later. Just trying to get everything working with 90% of it on our own database.