Damage Visualization


I have created a character using the Opsive tools. My problem is that when another player shoots and hits this character, it is not showing the correct damage indication.

By this I mean, it is putting bullet holes on the player as if it were a static structure. It is not showing the blood particles, and the bullet holes do not disappear. They stick to the player indefinitely.

I am using the Third person controller, the climb pack, the agility pack and the multiplayer pack. I know it has to be something I've missed in the setup somehow, but just can't seem to find it. What is all related to the Damage Visualization ability? Is there a tag, layer, state, or something I am missing? I have compared my character with the NolanPun character, and I have everything exactly the same as far as this ability goes.

I know it's something with my character because when I use the NolanPun character, everything works.

Thanks for the help!
I guess I just needed a couple minutes of reflection. I got it working by adding a Surface Identifier component to the capsule collider and setting it to 'Flesh'. My hint was that it looked as though the bullet holes were contacting and sticking to the capsule collider, so I just started digging.

Marking as resolved.