Creating/Equipping new weapon


New member
I'm trying to simply learn how to create a new weapon and have it equip to the player. I've followed the steps from the tutorial videos which seem to spin in circles given the integrations and what to do in which manager with what item definitions/rules/databases. It's all very confusing and not clear. It also doesn't help that the tutorials all specifically state "we assume you have created an item", why? Why is there not a tutorial video that starts from step 0 on how to create a new item. Instead it uses a pre-existing item and drops it into the scene, then states "we assume". There should be no assumption in a tutorial video - it should start from 0 on how to create a brand new item. This should include what bare-minimum item definitions are needed and what databases need to be assigned after the integrations.

TLDR: I am using UCC (third person settings) with Ultimate Inventory. Integrations have been installed and am trying to create a brand new weapon that can be equip/unequip from the inventory. New weapons show in the inventory but there are 0 options to equip/unequip and the new weapon does not auto-equip upon game start.
I moved your qestion in the Integration category.

I'm sorry to hear the tutorial is not clear. The tutorial showcases mainly the integration between both tools. We chose not to dive too deep in Character Item and or attribute creation because that's explained in great detail in their respective tools.

So to learn how to make a Character Item we expect you to look at the tutorial videos in the UCC documentation:

To learn how to use the InventorySystemDatabase or customize the Item UI we expect you to have a look at the videos in the UIS documentation:

We also explain step by step how to create items for the integration in the integration documentation:

New weapons show in the inventory but there are 0 options to equip/unequip and the new weapon does not auto-equip upon game start.
To add the option to equip/unequip you'll need a CharacterEquipItemAction, the second video tutorial should explain how to set that up.
You can choose to auto equip items on game start using a CharacterLoadoutItemCollection and setting the "SetActiveEquipped" to true.

Of course, for this to work you need to make sure your Character Items and your ItemSetRules are correctly setup

I hope that makes sense.
If you have any other questions please do let me know