Creating a modified Equipper script


I'm currently working on creating my own modified version of the Equipper script. I noticed that on Equip() is passing in the Item information and the Index for which slot is being equipped. I'm sure there is a way to add an additional attribute, such as a secondary item ID that I could use to pass information such as certain item types would have the same secondary item ID. I just can't seem to figure out where I need to call that method in order to start. Can someone point me in the right direction?
I'm not sure I understand your question. Could you perhaps give an example of what you are trying to achieve?

Also note that our Equipment system is quite limited right now, we plan to improve it in V1.2.X later next year, so you do not have to build yours on top of our Equipper script. You may have a lot more flexibility if you choose to create a completely knew component by inspiring yourself from the Equipper script but without inheriting from it.
What I'd like to do is pass the information for an item (for example: Rusty Sword) on equip. Currently right now equip is being passed the following information Equip(Item item, int index) what I'd like to do is change it so that it would be Equip(Item item, int index, int itemId) I just wasn't sure what was the Equip method was being called in order to pass the information it, in the first place.
What I'd like to do is pass the information for an item (for example: Rusty Sword) on equip. Currently right now equip is being passed the following information Equip(Item item, int index) what I'd like to do is change it so that it would be Equip(Item item, int index, int itemId) I just wasn't sure what was the Equip method was being called in order to pass the information it, in the first place.

Nevermind. I can just add an attribute with the info I need and get it from there. Thank you for help! :)