Collision Event does not work on Opsive character?


New member
I tried to make an automatic door that detected the collision of character. However, It never detected the character once, this included the items like sword and bullets. Have anyone faced this problem before? If you do, please guide me.
Have you tried replicating the automatic doors from the demo scene? Take a look at how their trigger collider and Door component is set up.

On your door object, you'll need to have a trigger collider and a component which detects the player entering/exiting the trigger using OnTriggerEnter/OnTriggerExit.
Have you tried replicating the automatic doors from the demo scene? Take a look at how their trigger collider and Door component is set up.

On your door object, you'll need to have a trigger collider and a component which detects the player entering/exiting the trigger using OnTriggerEnter/OnTriggerExit.
Thank for the reply. However, I tried OnTriggerEnter/OnTriggerExit, and it did not work at all. For instance, when I hit at the scripted window using Assault Rifle, the window never detected the collision or triggerEvent from bullets. It only detected the collision event when my character dies on top of them. Do you have any idea why?

And for the Opsive demo scene, I did not see any script attached to the door at all, so that did not help. : (
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For the assault rifle you can use the OnObjectImpact event:

The character never actually collides with any objects:

For the assault rifle you can use the OnObjectImpact event:

The character never actually collides with any objects:

Thanks for that Justin.
But do you have any suggestions for the door-open when detecting AI nearby?
You can attach a trigger to your door, as Andrew mentioned. The larger doors in the demo scene are an example that you can use.