Character smooth movement


Active member

I cant find the setting wich determinates how smooth the "release walk direction" button should be ? for examlpe. walking to the right "D" key and release it rotates the character FAST facing forward, is there any smoothness setting somewhere?
Have you tried adjusting the Look At Adjustment Speed for the character's body/hips in their IK?
Look at? No don't think so, I have always thought that some ability, and I don't use it, should i?
The Character IK (more info) component just controls the IK for the various bones of the character, so if for example you want the body to look more slowly you may be able to simply adjust that value.

Does your CharacterIK look like this? If not, that may be caused by your model not being fully rigged properly
Yes it looks like that... But what I'm looking for is how slowly the feet adjusts from walking right or left and realizing button?
Ah I see what you mean. You could try adjusting the speed values of the animations in the character's movement blend tree (e.g. Base Layer > Movement > Combat Movement, try adjusting some of the speed values for the strafe/turn animations)
It didnt really help.. What Im looking for is a float value vich sets a bit of damp on the blend tree input when realising keys before they go to 0 ..
Yes I have found that but it dosent really help me , what Im looking for is how fast the blend tree changes blend values eg. holding D key to walk right and then release D key, the character goes back to idle facing forward , but he does ti so fast, needs some smoothing value ´, is there something like that?