Character hight - Help | Player character feets are not exactly on the ground


New member
Hello opsive forum,

after a successful TP-Character setup everything works perfectly, but only the feets of the player character are not exactly on the ground.

I have tried everthing to fix that, but I'm not able to fix this.

Now I would like to ask for your help on the opsive forum, hope one can help me with this.

EDIT: The reply from Andrew has solved this question, I just have to change the hight of the capsule collider.

Picture from the player feets:
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Does the demo scene character work correctly? Do you have IK enabled?

Thanks for the fast reply.

Yes the demo scene character work correctly and I do not wan't to use IK, so the "CharacterIK" script is disabled.

How can I let the character walk exactly on the ground?
IK is the process that allows things like positioning the feet to happen. Without IK, the player's feet will always be displaced - even if they are flat on the ground when standing still, they will be displaced during walking animations etc.

If you simply need to move the offset of your character model, you may want to adjust the offset of your collider/model.