Can't seem to get Pause Menu canvas to accept inputs, and a small rant.


New member
I've already gone through and created a bit of script based off of personal experience and stuff I've read in the documentation, but I can't seem to get it to accept my inputs on the canvas. UCC always steals my cursor and attaches it onto the camera any time I try to click on the canvas, even when I have player input disabled.

paused = !paused;
        if (paused)
            EventHandler.ExecuteEvent(m_Character, "OnEnableGameplayInput", false);
            EventHandler.ExecuteEvent(m_Character, "OnEnableGameplayInput", true);

This is in the update function, and I have a function checking for input to activate the canvas itself and disable any sort of input until I press said input again.

Someone please help me, I am on the verge of pulling my hair out over here.
The Unity Input component has a Disable Cursor field which will disable the cursor. When the gameplay input is disabled though it should not be touching the cursor visibility state. Can you place a few log statements within UnityInput to determine where it is hiding the cursor? You'll want to insert a log statement within all of the locations that have:

Cursor.visible = false;