Can't find AmmoData attribute in item attribute dropdown


I am trying to set up an AmmoData item attribute per the guidefor a weapon category I am creating. However, when I try to search for AmmoData as a Type, it does not appear at all. This happens in both my project and a completely new project I've setup that only includes UCC + UIS + Integration assets.


I'm not sure if it matters, but I had a similar warning that was described in this thread and applied the fix that was described. The AmmoData attribute did not show up either before or after I applied the fix.
When types don't show up in the drop down that means you need to set it up in the Unit Options.

We don't show all types possible in that drop down or there would be cluttered with useless types. So the Unit Options let you choose what shows up in the type dropdown.

I'll update the documentation in the integration to point that out