Build error in UIS and UCC integration


New member
I am trying to build the project and receiving the following error:

Assets\Opsive\UltimateCharacterController\Integrations\UltimateInventorySystem\Scripts\ItemSet\ItemSetRule.cs(121,111): error CS1061: 'State' does not contain a definition for 'BlockList' and no accessible extension method 'BlockList' accepting a first argument of type 'State' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I noticed that the State class has an #if UNITY_EDITOR around this property. Which explains why it was failing, and removing it allows for compilation to continue. Does this directive need to be in here?
Make sure you are running the latest version of the controller as this has been fixed there. This thread is related:

Hi, I just upgraded my project to the latest versions. I am getting this error.

It took a little while to apply all the updates. So, I am reluctant to go through the process again. I cleared my Unity Asset Store Cache before downloading the latest version in package manager. I also deleted the folders before installing: Behavior Designer, Behavior Designer Movement, Opsive

The file state.cs which has the incorrect compiler directives is in the UIS & UCC packages. I have confirmed that it matches.

Firstly I just want to confirm this is fixed in the current release? And, what package is this fix in? I get the packages from the Asset store, is there a new version on the Opsive site somewhere, I can't see a spot for me to download the full packages from the site (maybe because I got them from the Asset store)? If you could please let me know which package has this fix, I will clear this from my project and re-import. This will ensure I have any other fixes that may be included. In the interim I have just fixed it manually. Thx.

My Versions:
UCC: 2.3.2
UIS: 1.1.7
Behavior Designer: 1.6.8
Movment Pack: 1.5.6
PUN Multiplayer: 1.1.11
Downloads on 9th June: AstarPathfindingProject (UCC), InputSystem (UCC), UltimateCharacterController (Behavior Designer), UltimateInventorySystem (UCC), UniversalRP (UCC)
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This is a known bug one the current version. This post shows how to fix it:

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.