Bug? UMA created character with MoveTowards Ability


New member

I'm having issues with the MoveTowards ability with an UMA created character.

It is null once the UMA character is loaded, and I have had to call the following inside my after UMA character created code

var moveTowards = (Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.Abilities.MoveTowards)abilities.Where(x => x is Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.Abilities.MoveTowards).First();
Locomotion.MoveTowardsAbility = moveTowards;

The character does have that ability, all I'm doing is setting it in the UltimateCharacterLocomotion instance. I had to add a public setter to the MoveTowardsAbility property to be able to set this outside the class as there is no other way of doing this that I could find.

Once this is done, everything works, the movetowards now moves my character as expected when the Interact ability is activated. However, since I've had to modify the original source, this isn't ideal and makes upgrades slightly harder (yeah I know, its just a compile time issue, and 10 seconds to fix, but still)

Is this a bug, or am I missing a step?