Brainstorming how to hide a body.


New member
I'm new to Ultimate Character Controller and am experimenting with creating a stealth game. I'd like to enable dragging the ragdoll body of a deceased enemy character to hide it out of sight. I believe I can handle the dragging aspect, likely involving a physics joint. However, I'm unsure about changing the player character's state to a dragging state. Could anyone suggest where I should start learning how to create this state and trigger a dragging animation, possibly using the crouching animation?
Oh, you'll want to put this on a gameobject parented to your character and set in front a ways from your characters colliders, as is, it can't differentiate between your ragdoll and the enemy's, so it needs to be away from your character's body.


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I think I'm going to need to figure out how to make the dragging script aware if the target is alive or dead. It wants to grab everything which is not ideal.