Binding inventory references to instance of singleton rather than player tag?


New member
My player object has a singleton Player component with various references to my player state machine, etc. I have the object tagged as Player, but I'm still seeing some inconsistent results when it comes to binding the player inventory to various components, for example a crafting component might work but a shop might not find the player as a client inventory, or a UI component might not be bound properly. For my use case it would probably be better to just have those components look for my player singleton instance rather than trying to find it by tag, but I'm not sure how I would go about setting that up. Any suggestions for a more reliable way to target my player?
We don't look for the player by tag except during edit mode to speed things up while setting up the character and/or the UI.

In v1.1.3 we use the Inventory Identifier and the Dynamic Panel Owner to help the UI find the player and vice versa.

You'll want to make sure that your UI is pointing to the character, either by choosing to bind to the Panel Owner or by setting the inventory Identifier Id directly (the 0 should be 1 to find the character above if the bind to panel owner field was set false)

Check this page it might also be relevant:
Still having one issue with an InventoryGrid not binding to an inventory on load. I'm also seeing something slightly different in my ItemViewSlotsContainerPanelBinding component; in your screenshot there's a field for an Inventory ID, but in mine I don't see that option.1609385767860.png
It's possible you do not have the latest version.

The latest public version is v1.1.3.

You can see the version you have by opening the UIS Editor Manager, it's written on the bottom left of the first Manager.

If you do have the latest v1.1.3 version than it is possible the this field was added just after and isn't public yet. If that is the case it will be available in the v1.1.4 planned for January