Best practice question about "conditional abort" and "Restart When Complete"



It's the first time I use Behavior Designer and I have encounter an issue which need your help.

Considering that I have 3 actions:
1. "Set Player as Target" success
2."Aim Weapon At Target" success
3. "Move Randomly" running

I put them under a same sequence node, and hope them could be evaluated in each tick, so that I get a character who is aiming at target while keep moving randomly. In my imagination, the whole tree will be evaluted in each tick (this is my comprehension about behavior tree), so I try to enable the option "Restart When Complete", it works.

But I found it soon that Behavior Designer has the concept "Conditional Abort", and by default the option "Restart When Complete" is disabled.
If I want to use this feature, should I merge script 2 and 3 to a single one? Because each of them need be evaluated each frame.
What's the best the practice?
I aware that Behavior Designer provided Parallel composite nodes, which could solve my problem, thanks!