Behaviour Designer's window: extreme lag.


New member
Just bought behaviour designer.
I opened up the GUI window and found that interacting with the Behaviour Designer's window is extremely laggy.
Any idea what's going on? I tried this in a new project and the same problem occurs.

I'm using Unity 2019.3.9f1

@Justin Where can I download that version 2?

I have tried with the following versions: 2019.1.11, 2019.3.4, 2020.1.0b8 and they all lag to a point where it's not usable.

With the following versions: 2018.4.0f1 and 2020.2.0a10 it's better, but it's still poor performance, I must wait a bit before clicking or it might do a wrong selection, drag selection instead of clicking to link 2 nodes etc...

I use amplify shader editor and other editors like that and those do not have similar performance problems even on the Unity versions mentioned above, so my intution is that there's some performance problems with Behaviour Designer.

Btw my computer is not slow.
Version 2 hasn't been released yet, it's still a ways away though.

Ah you're right that if I don't show the tasks window, it's fast, I'll do it like this in the meanwhile.
Yeah, unfortunately the task inspector contains a lot of buttons so it slows things down. I have tried various hacks to prevent it from drawing all of the buttons this ends up causing more problems than it solves.
Yeah, unfortunately the task inspector contains a lot of buttons so it slows things down. I have tried various hacks to prevent it from drawing all of the buttons this ends up causing more problems than it solves.
I get no lag when opening the menu with Spacebar and it has plenty of buttons with the same tasks as the task Window.

So I still think there is something very unoptimized going on in your tasks tab.
The quick task list is drawn slightly differently so that could be why. I will take a look at this though!
This is going to be the case until Behavior Designer switches to Visual Elements in version 2. IMGUI simply cannot draw that many buttons and I've tried pooling them but that leads to more issues since IMGUI wasn't setup for that. I recommend using the quick task list until version 2. The good news is that I am working on version 2 this year now that DOTS has released and I am getting close to being done with controller add-on/integration updates.
I believe I'm having similar issues that were touched upon in this thread. In my BD editor window, when I try to add tasks to my behavior tree, I am prompted with this error, as my task never ends up being created: "GUI Error: Invalid GUILayout state in BehaviorDesignerWindow view. Verify that all layout Begin/End calls match
UnityEngine.GUIUtility: ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:203)".

How might I be able to fix this issue?

Thank you for your time.
Strange, that's a Unity related error then. There's nothing in the callstack that indicates that it's coming from Behavior Designer. I'd recommend updating to the latest LTS if you are not already using it.