BD + UCC + A* the agent isn't moving when I use built in tasks like Wander/Seek


I have a problem where the agent isn't moving and I was following the BD + UCC tutorial very carefully, it uses Seek and Wander tasks (not A* versions), but in my project I use A* so I installed the integration, but for some reason they don't work with UCC.

Its properly generating the path but just doesn't move. I have tried to create a capsule charater that only has A* components and BD (no UCC) and it works great with those tasks, but for some reason UCC won't move. I have tried lots of things and at this point I'm stuck.

utps navigation error.png

This is the agent setup in BD
That worked, but the documentation says "This ability can be positioned anywhere within the ability list as it is a concurrent ability." and the problem is that SpeedChange won't work if its above AstarAiAgentMovement, it must be below it.

What is the right setup for this AstarAiAgentMovement? When I add it the start type is set to Automatic and Im not able to stop it after even through the StartStopAbility. I made it so my Seek task has 15 meters arrive distance so the AI stops in front of the player not close to it, but even though that tasks completes and I have ticked StopOnTaskEnd my agent keeps moving and won't stop even if it's really close to the player. I tried stopping it automatically by calling this code, but again it keeps moving unless I manually stop it through the inspector.

            agent.destination = transform.position;
            agent.canMove = false;
            agent.canSearch = false;
After a few days of testing I decided to stop using LayerGridGraph and AIPath, because of the problems mentioned above.

I switched to Recast Graph and RichAI and it works correctly for now, the thing is that I have to start and stop my AstarAiAgentMovement ability from the behavior tree unlike with the AIPath. This is my setup that works with RichAi + Recast Graph.


That being said I think the integration has to be reworked to support AIPath.
AstarAIMovement uses the IAStarAI interface which should work with any grid type. If a particular method is not working with a graph I would let the A* developer know so that he can take a closer look.
I am also experiencing problems with AI character not moving, but path is being updated. I can make very simple game objects move with A* and BD, but not with a character created with UCC.
Since I didn't find a tutorial for UCC + BD + A* I am not sure I got it all right.
