Anyone know how to fix this Warning Message?


New member
I started a new animator controller and used all the same parameters as the demo controller. I only have the base layer setup for movement. it works fine except for the warning message. This warning message starts upon runtime 4 times and I receive a new one every time I press the shift key to increase movement speed. It clearly has to do with the Speed Ability but can't figure out a solution to this problem. Event Issue? Any help would be appreciated!

Parameter 'Hash -823668238' is controlled by a curve.
UnityEngine.Animator:SetFloat (int,single,single,single)

Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.AnimatorMonitor:SnapAnimator () (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Character/AnimatorMonitor.cs:224)
Opsive.Shared.Events.InvokableAction:Invoke ()
Opsive.Shared.Events.EventHandler:ExecuteEvent (object,string)
Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.UltimateCharacterLocomotion:OnImmediateTransformChange (bool) (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Character/UltimateCharacterLocomotion.cs:2291)
Opsive.Shared.Events.InvokableAction`1<bool>:Invoke (bool)
Opsive.Shared.Events.EventHandler:ExecuteEvent<bool> (object,string,bool)
Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.UltimateCharacterLocomotion:OnEnable () (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Character/UltimateCharacterLocomotion.cs:633)
Animation parameter names must match exactly, i.e. they are case sensitive. Double check that your "Speed" animation parameter is spelt exactly the same, with the same casing.
Parameters are correct...The problem has to do with my animation. If I replace the walk animation in the Demo controller with my own I get the warning message. If I setup a new animation controller with all the same parameters and use my animations I still get the warning message. If I disable the Speed ability I obviously can't increase speed but i don't get the warning message. At a loss why the speed ability would even care what animation is playing!
Your animation may be setting an animation curve for the Speed variable, which could produce this warning message. Take a look at your animation's import settings (select the animation asset --> "Edit..." --> "Animation" tab --> scroll down to the "Curves" section).

This legacy Unity doc explains animation curves on clips in greater detail:
I checked on the Curves to if any were set and no curves were. But, I noticed a checked box of "Animated Custom Properties" and unchecked it. well, what do you know.. that was the problem! Thank you for your help, I appreciate it!
I checked on the Curves to if any were set and no curves were. But, I noticed a checked box of "Animated Custom Properties" and unchecked it. well, what do you know.. that was the problem! Thank you for your help, I appreciate it!

This worked for me too. Thanks.
I'm having this same issue, using the Demo controller with replaced animations. I've checked all the animations, and "Animated Custom Properties" is not checked anywhere. No curves exist, so none are controlling the Speed parameter anywhere I can see. Every replaced animation induces the warning message, whereas those I didn't replace, do not.

The only real difference I can see between the original and replacement animations are the replacements lack the LegIndex curves. Would that matter?
Possibly, yes. I can't remember exactly but the original poster's warning message may have been referring specifically to the Speed parameter, so if yours differs then that may be worth checking. You can verify this by checking if the warning appears with the original animations or not.
I checked on the Curves to if any were set and no curves were. But, I noticed a checked box of "Animated Custom Properties" and unchecked it. well, what do you know.. that was the problem! Thank you for your help, I appreciate it!
I can confirm this worked for me as well. Thanks!