Recent content by Tobi_e

  1. T

    Runtime Pickup

    Okay thank you, for The quick answer now i have to Set Up the Button in which section i have to this have i do this in the Script ? ,,Button is Not Set Up"
  2. T

    Runtime Pickup

    hi i have two little questions about runtime pick ups. How can I set that I only pick them up if I confirm this with a button, not automatically when I walk through it and how can I set that I can only pick up a maximum of two weapons, so if I pick up the third one of the two is put down again?
  3. T


    I looked for the Parameters and everything is right. The Other enemy in the Scene is exacly Set Up Like him and He Work fine. The funny thing is that sometimes it's like that and sometimes it's not.
  4. T


    Hello, I have a small problem with the animator. I'm not sure what the problem could be. I added a new ability where the enemy should attack. Most of the time it works if I run there and if I'm in range of the enemy he will attack and if I run away he will follow me again. But sometimes when I...
  5. T


    I have now added the line 48 Debug.Log to see if the inrange works, but I don't see anything there in the console could it have something to do with it?
  6. T


    Okay i removed the var but It still dont Work :(
  7. T


    i have changed the line 17 now the error is gone but it still dont work do i still have to write the variable outside the method?
  8. T


    Oh okay thank you very much
  9. T


    So i have to place it in the Update Method?
  10. T


    okay i tried to use the health component in my attack script but i get this error Assets\EnemyAttack.cs(86,13): error CS0103: The name 'health' does not exist in the current context I think it's a quite simple solution is there can you help me? don't worry since i'm not that familiar with c# i...
  11. T


    Okay how is Nolan working cause of im Close to hin He is attacking me automaticly thats the function i needed
  12. T


    hi i'm in the process of making a zombie game. How can I set the zombie to hit me when he's near like in the melee room with agent nolan? when i add the melee agent script nothing happens.
  13. T

    Speed Change

    yes thank you thats what im looking for.
  14. T

    Speed Change

    Yes i already read this before but If i Change the values nothing Happens or the Animation dont Played then
  15. T

    Speed Change

    I simply try to Change the Speed of My enemie Charakter but i dont get it in which Menu i have to do this ?