Recent content by spockthegray

  1. S

    UI improvement suggestions

    Ah, OK - I'll do that. thanks! Yes, I'm referring to the graph view. An example name would be 'OverclockedAIMoveToChoppingStation.' The graph view displays the name fine with spaces between words, but it just makes the node in the graph view very wide. Would be nice if it could optionally...
  2. S

    UI improvement suggestions

    Hi, I've started using behavior designer and love it so far! One thing I'm looking for that I can't find anywhere is a way of grouping tasks visually (e.g. in Unity animation controller editor or UE blueprints scripting) b.c. my behavior tree is already growing very complex and easy to lose...
  3. S

    Runtime Item Pickup For Item That Can Be Attached To Multiple Potential Slots

    Ok thanks Justin! I figured I'd ask just to be sure before I go digging in myself. Cheers, Danrae
  4. S

    Runtime Item Pickup For Item That Can Be Attached To Multiple Potential Slots

    Hi, I followed the Opsive tutorials and noticed that there is an association between a specific item and a single Slot ID. In my case, I want to be able to create many items where, if a particular slot ID is full, that same item is perfectly OK being attached to a different Slot ID. For...
  5. S

    Reskinning Character Controller With New Models, Same Rig + Animator Controller

    Thanks Justin! From reading the post you linked, it seems they mean to replace the model at design-time or in-editor in Unity. I'm actually trying to do this reskinning of the character controller at runtime (so in a Unity build, not in-editor). I'll just give the CharacterBuilder a shot. As...
  6. S

    Use same item when switching between first person + third person perspectives.

    Oof - never mind! I realized I didn't setup my camera correctly. Everything is g2g now! For anyone who runs into this, just make sure you setup your camera for 'Both' perspectives too in the Main Manager. Cheers, Danrae
  7. S

    Use same item when switching between first person + third person perspectives.

    Hi, I went through the tutorials and created an item type + an actual item of that type. I also created a runtime pickup for that item. The trouble I'm having is, I've created a character who can be viewed in first person as well as third person and, when in third person, the first person...
  8. S

    Reskinning Character Controller With New Models, Same Rig + Animator Controller

    Hi, I need to be able to reskin the character controller w/ different meshes (and different animator controllers) delivered dynamically at runtime, but the rig is the same for all models. I can't create a separate prefab for each model ahead of time b.c. we will receive rigged models at...