Recent content by revenz

  1. R

    OnItemUseComplete randomly not called

    thanks. Turns out the best "fix" for this is to actually remove the "Slot0ItemSubstateIndex" from the transitions to each combo attack. So each connection between Attack01 -> Attack02 -> Attack03 -> Attack04 -> Attack01 just has these conditions Where "Moving" is optional, and I may remove...
  2. R

    OnItemUseComplete randomly not called

    Fairly easy to reproduce. I repo'd this in a new project, with just Opsive 3rd person controller imported. Third Person Controller Version 2.3.3 Unity version: 2020.3.12f1 Personal running on Windows 10. In the "Full Body Layer" I removed the "Sword" substate and created this modified...
  3. R

    OnItemUseComplete randomly not called

    ehh, I'm sure there is a bug here. The problem is a Slot0ItemSubStateIndex can transition multiple indexes before the current one completes. So it doesn't always go in the correct order of attack 2, 3, 4, 5, 2 etc. You can kinda fix this by adjusting that "Use Rate". But that's also not...
  4. R

    OnItemUseComplete randomly not called

    thanks, I think I got it now. I had to keep reset delay set, 0 wouldn't work. But I increased "Use Rate" to 0.6 which seems to have solved it. Not a huge fan of this though as its a hardcoded time variable instead of an animation event. Maybe I should subclass the "Melee Weapon" script...
  5. R

    Transitioning between melee aninations

    it's increasing whenever I push the attack button, so it's kinda expected. But it's not stopping increasing after one attack, so you can increase it 4 times (to cycle back to the same attack) before the attack finishes.
  6. R

    Transitioning between melee aninations

    thanks, I had a look at that. All that looks fine now. But I noticed that "Slot0ItemSubstateIndex" is updating much faster than the animations play. So I think the issue is, if I hit attack to fast, I can cycle around to the same animation that is playing and therefor it will not exit. eg 1...
  7. R

    OnItemUseComplete randomly not called

    Further digging it appears this is false in the method Use.UseCompleteItem, m_WaitForUseCompleteEvent[slotID] is false which stops the ability from continuing/ending. The animation event is correctly firing off in AnimatorMonitor.ExecuteEvent. Just the Use ability is getting stuck.....
  8. R

    OnItemUseComplete randomly not called

    Here are a couple more screenshots. I've only got 2 animations at the moment (to narrow down the error)
  9. R

    OnItemUseComplete randomly not called

    Hi, I'm trying to add some melee attack animations, which have the animation events OnAnimatorItemUse OnAnimatorItemUseComplete These work for a while, and the "ItemUseComplete" is called in MeleeWeapon. But then suddenly it just stops working. The animation has completed, the animator is...
  10. R

    Stop ability on animation event?

    Thanks guys, go it. For anyone else: In my abilities Awake I added EventHandler.RegisterEvent(m_GameObject, "OnDodgeRollComplete", OnAnimationComplete); Added this method to my ability to stop it private void OnAnimationComplete() => StopAbility(); Editting my roll animation and added an...
  11. R

    Stop ability on animation event?

    Hi, Is there a way to stop an ability on an animation event or when an animation has completed? I've added a basic dodge roll ability, and just need to mark it as complete once the animation has completed. Currently using a coroutine in the AbilityStarted method, but this can be error-prone. TIA
  12. R

    [BUG] UMA created character, ItemAbility set InputNames

    Hi, When creating a UMA character, and adding a ItemAbility. If you try to set the InputNames on one of those abilities, there is no way to update the fields - m_ActiveInput - m_ButtonUp So a null exception is throw My line numbers may have changed during a vscode code format, but the...
  13. R

    Aim ability only on specific weapons

    Thanks, I'm digging into that at the moment. I'm trying to subclass the aim ability and to achieve this, but the AimAbility is added by default when UseItems is checked. If I uncheck that then, a whole bunch of stuff isn't added. So I had to modify that CharacterBuilder class to achieve...
  14. R

    Aim ability only on specific weapons

    What if you cannot use the state system as you are using an UMA character? How could you go about restricting Aim to only aimable weapons in code?