Recent content by phuture2k

  1. P

    Behavior Tree not stopping after object is destroyed

    The exception happens because the behavior tree is trying to reference it's own GameObject and fails because the object was destroyed (that's how I know it's still running). There is only one BehaviorManager in the scene. I'm using an external behavior tree and tasks run mostly on fixed update...
  2. P

    Behavior Tree not stopping after object is destroyed

    Hi, I'm trying to stop my behavior tree after the owner object is destroyed and it is not working. I'm using an external behavior tree. Here's what happens with Log Task Changes (seems like behavior designer itself is trying to stop it, but it keeps running): I also tried to pause it myself...
  3. P

    The debug view stops working

    Adding info on the above, the error only happens when running 2 objects with the same behavior at the same time. It doesn't happen when there is just one. However, in both situations the debug view doesn't show info.
  4. P

    The debug view stops working

    The same is happening to me. Once I open the Behavior Tree this error starts showing in the logs: KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'NewPlayer - Fighter' was not present in the dictionary. System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at...