Recent content by leilivar

  1. L

    Local mutiplayer add second character not moving.

    I debug the code and figure it out.I need assign Character to CameraController manually.
  2. L

    Local mutiplayer add second character not moving.

    I just tried,and it's not working.I also tried a blank scene assign the same input actions to two cubes with simple moving scripts,the cubes move fine,so seems like it's not the reuse issue.
  3. L

    Local mutiplayer add second character not moving.

    I installed unity input system Integration and when there is only one character,it works fine,but when i add a second player in the scene it's not moving, the second player can only jump,the jump height is not right and the animation will alway stay idle when jumps.I use seperate cameras for the...
  4. L

    Camera Jitters when standing on moving platform

    I use my own moving logic on the platform and set the layer to MovingPlatform,the moving logic is inside FixedUpdate and script execution order is smaller than KinematicObjectManager.When I run the game,the character moves with the platform but the camera jitters.I can't subclass MovingPlatform...
  5. L

    Cinemachine integration not aiming crosshairs

    I did that in the shootableWeapon,you can also subclass the cinemachineviewtype.
  6. L

    Cinemachine integration not aiming crosshairs

    Use ray cast var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(Screen.width * 0.5f, Screen.height * 0.5f, 0)); var hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(ray, 0.25f, 50, m_ImpactLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); if (hits != null && hits.Length > 0) {...
  7. L

    Cinemachine integration not aiming crosshairs

    Thanks for the help,I'll give it a try
  8. L

    Cinemachine integration not aiming crosshairs

    Thanks for the example,my results are the same.In the ShootableWeapon.cs script,when invoke ProjectileFire method,the projectile use the camera's direction(the green line),and start from the fire point,so it's always lower than the target.Is there a way to fix this?
  9. L

    Cinemachine integration not aiming crosshairs

    no,the debug ray is not aiming the crosshairs position.I notice CinemachineViewType use orientation to caculate the LookDirection,while ThirdPerson use ray cast.Could this be the cause of the incorrect LookDirection
  10. L

    Cinemachine integration not aiming crosshairs

    this is the same frame of game view and scene view
  11. L

    Cinemachine integration not aiming crosshairs

    I use free look for my camera,and i set Player's transform to Follow and and Look field.The look direction is not correct,it's always lower than the corsshair position
  12. L

    Cinemachine integration not aiming crosshairs

    I'm using Third Person Controller with cinemachine integration, when i fire a projectile,it's not moving towards the crosshairs position.How do I fix this,thanks