Recent content by Kenlem

  1. K

    Get enemy to attack random position of collider/mesh

    I'd put empty game objects with the attack tag as children of the wall. Right now, they all get the same attack position which is the center of the wall. This would spread them out along the wall.
  2. K

    Turrent Behavior

    Hi All, I'm working on a simple turret that scans left and right until it sees the player (90 FOV). If it can see the player, it rotates towards the player's position. Once the player is within 10 degrees of the FOV, I have the turrent fire with a 2 second cool off. This works well except the...
  3. K

    Cooldown task - error with simple example

    Is there error fixed in the version currently on the Unity Asset store? I'm getting that error.
  4. K

    How get/set variable of GameObject type to null?

    I used an inverter on Compare Shared Game Object to test for not null. I used a Set Shared Game Object to set the gameObject to null. Thanks. :)
  5. K

    How get/set variable of GameObject type to null?

    Hi All, I have a variable of type GameObject. I want to use a variable to check to see if that variable is null. I also want to be able to set that variable to null after some operation is completed. I don't see an action task to do that. Is it possible to do and, if so, how? Thanks.
  6. K

    Deathmatch AI Kit Released on the Opsive Store

    I'm interested in using the Deathmatch AI kit for enemies in my project. I already have a first person VR controller I want to keep for the player. Can you tell me which Controller I need to drive navmesh NPC's in my game? I assume Third Person Controller would work but want to be sure.
  7. K

    Any news on DeathMatch AI

    I'd buy the DeathMatch AI in a heartbeat. :) Hope it gets released.