Recent content by DageLV

  1. D

    how to do checks?

    Basically i have AI script detexting if it can see a tank using a collider and raycasts, then assigns it as visible. CanSeeATank_Task just checks if the AI can see a tank, returns success, if not, returns a failure. if it cant see a tank, then its supposed to wander around till it sees one...
  2. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    ill add my own navigation system. One which works for me No I'm not referring to steering behaviour. All i need from behaviour designer is a literal Vector3 destination, not steering, nothing. For the look-at tasks just tell me a vector3 look position, ill have my own system to make it look at...
  3. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    Even when playing CSGO and getting railed by 4 enemy cheaters it doesn't get me as tilted as trying to reduce this asset to do the bare minimum.
  4. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    im not using some fucking first person controller, no fucking asset store pathfinding projects, no fucking astars or navmesh agents, or the fucking tactical agents or whatever other fucking fuckery. All i need is the fucking destination, and where to look Maybe to shoot, nothing fucking else...
  5. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    its still very embedded with a*. Do you plan to release no-integration version? Cause as of now, its very annoying if i have my own pathfinding, its very annoying if i have my own vision, its very annoying if i have my own shooting method. Now its mandatory i use some useless attack struct, some...
  6. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    oke found it. Movement pack has polynav support, isn't that just unity navmesh? Tactical doesn't have it. There are shit ton of addons for behaviour tree. So the tactical, movement and formations just has implementations, not addons per say? Gonna try to make it work now tho.
  7. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    So there is a* for tactical pack and movement? And the demo. One has tactical. Agent component which is deeply embedded in whole tactical pack and the damagable component, which is used for detecting targets etc.., didn't look deep how far is that embedded, but tactical Agent is very deeply...
  8. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    No. In demo you use tactical agent and it's deeply tied into tactical pack and also damagavle object which kinda means... They can be attacked or be attackers, not both? I don't use a* as I said. And this has nothing to do with how the ai moves, but WHERE it moves. The final destination...
  9. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    Deleted all behaviour tree shit and few hours later installed it again. Fk. So to cache basic stuff I made _main_task :action class. Then wander:_main_task. I can't wrap my head around how do I make it stop wandering and do anything else. It wanders. Okay. The ai controller (not part of...
  10. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    everything is so damn hardcoded in to use strictly navmesh agent to point its just... ridiculously annoying. fuck it, gotta cut my time losses and do my own AI implementation. Trying to clean up behaviour designer from all the hardcoded useless shit is just incredibly frusterating.
  11. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    but like, tactical pack. None of it can be used? Cause so far it seems so, not tasks, not the tactical groups, nothing of it seems usable. its a weird implementation of heavily relying on some tactical Agent struct thing which... I've ben trying to get rid of for several days now, really...
  12. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    It isn't anything fancy. I use navmesh raycast with infinite range at destination vector3, ( automatically finds the closest point to that destination on navmesh. Then checks if it can reach it, if it isn't reachable, gets a different destination. Then puts all the path.corners[] into a...
  13. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    I I can upload it as a zip later today.
  14. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    I have no idea what's playmaker or bolt. I just use visual studio. I've heard of raider getting some new stuff soon but that's all. When opening the Movement script from wander task, the setdestination function is never called. I opened behaviour, checked if it's ever called there, nop. Isn't...
  15. D

    Getting only Axis on where to move.

    I have no idea how to create the tasks. And if I have to write the whole ai decision making myself, then is there even any use for the behaviour tree or it would be just a waste of time, if I have to recreate everything either way.